Tuesday, February 26, 2013

More on Doppelgängers

In my first two posts, I talked about doppelgängers and my experience with my own. It is widely believed that doppelgängers tend to live far apart from each other. However, now I am speculating the possibility whether our doppelgängers are actually closer than we think. During my skiing trip last Saturday, I noticed that many of the skiers looked remarkably like some of the people in Niskayuna. For example, I saw one man who bared striking resemblance to my physics teacher. I sighted him plodding through the snow while my friend and I were taking the ski lift. "Mr. Delano! Hey Mr. Delano!" we cried out. After yelling at him several times, he caught attention to the great deal of noise we were making. As we got a better view of his face, we realized that in fact, he was not our physics teacher, but rather some other white male in his thirties. Also, one of the skiers I almost crashed into looked just like my United States History teacher. At the bottom of the hill, I spotted him with a group of small kids, which I presumed were his children. I was almost tempted to approach him and say hi, but he soon turned away and disappeared in the crowd. I am still unsure whether he was actually my social studies teacher to this day. How eery.

As I spotted more familiar-looking people, I became increasingly fascinated with the doppelgänger phenomenon. I was almost expecting to see my own doppelgänger at the ski ridge. Due to all the shenanigans he caused last year, I would not have been surprised if he decided to make another appearance. From my experience, I have concluded some of our doppelgängers in Niskayuna exist closer than we think. Hey, if mine lives right here in Niskayuna, there is definitely a possibility that some live near the Maple Ski Ridge in Rotterdam.
More doppelgängers. They live among us.http://www.mountainhomenews.com/photos/13/10/37/1310378-L.jpg

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